Search People and Check Backgrounds

Search People and Check Backgrounds

About BeenVerified

BeenVerified is a database company which is based in the United States and headquartered in New York. It aggregates the most up-to-date public record databases available through its fast and easy-to-use web-based software, with the mission to make public records easy, instant and affordable. The aim of BeenVerified is to democratize public record information by giving consumers the ability to access the same public records that corporations, law firms and journalists have had for years. Since it was founded, it has done that for millions of people across the U.S.

About Background Check At BeenVerified

Background check is one the services that BeenVerifed provides. Customers enter the name of a person and search, and there will come out all the information available about that person that has been collected in the BeenVerified database. For detailed information such as the criminal history, consumers are required to create an account at BeenVerified.

By searching for a person at BeenVerified, you will find records and information about him/her easily, quickly and conveniently. What is more, you can use the service 24/7. It is simple and fast to use.

How to search for people and do background checking At BeenVerified?

Before you begin, you will need to prepare the following:

  1. A computer with internet access.
Detailed instructions:
  1. Go to the website of BeenVerified at www.beenverified.com.
  2. Enter the first name and last name of the person you want to search into the required boxes, select a state from the drop-down menu, and then click on the button marked “Search”.
  3. You will see the result listings and find out the person you are searching for. Then click on the button marked “That’s The One”.
  4. Enter your first name, last name and email into the required box, create a password, enter your zip code into the required box, and then click on the button marked “Continue” to create an account at BeenVerified.
  5. Follow instructions to complete creating an account and then you will see all the recorded information about the person you are searching for.
  6. If you need help, you can go to the FAQ page at http://www.beenverified.com/faq.


Searching for someone at BeenVerified is easy, quick and convenient to do.

(4.9, 204 Votes)